Thursday, January 29, 2009

Interesting 'Old magazine info...'
Came across this article from The New York Times. It was published in 1897 so it has some good info on early magazines.
Also this site is an excessive timeline of media events, kind of interesting as well.

Cover Art

This is a cool site if anyone is interested in magazine cover art from way back when. 

Magazine Timeline  

Here's a good starting point for a magazine timeline, dates are a little bit broader than what we discussed, but oh well. 

Happy Researching  : )

ARTicle ideas

Hey gang,

I don't condone this, but here's an unusual medium for print making:
I think an article on this subject would definitely get some attention.

I'm imagining a fictional piece on squid farming and ink harvesting, or a mock article about the ballpoint pen industry attempting to go green. Of course, since it would be a fictional piece, we could come up with a more humane way of harvesting the ink that doesn't involve the slaughter of innocent squids. I know it sounds crazy, but with a little Photoshop work and some clever writing, this could have a lot of potential.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"white space"


Here's a cool article that a certain Rebecca sent to me. It could inspire some research and article ideas.



In case you haven't heard of this already, Ffffound! is an awesome site that collects tons of graphic design and photographic imagery, it's a great place to gather ideas and inspiration.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Great place to ferret out local article ideas:

Interesting piece on independent mags and distro:

Hello Hello Hello!

Here are Liz Tapp's sites:


Hey Guys,

Add yourself to the blog to contribute! If something doesn't work just shoot me an e-mail,

If you do not have an account at blogger, you have to make one (make yourself a blog) in order to be able to post on this blog. The Cite Magazine blog should show up on your "dashboard" in order to make contributions.